Fourth of July, 2014 was not a day of celebration for the me or for the people that I know.
I received the horrible news that a friend of mine, and one of the writers for this blog, was involved in a hit and run and died in the hospital. Tim had just turned 18, and although I only knew him personally for a few months towards the end of our junior year, I feel like I learned a bit about Tim. For one, Tim was a genius. Smartest guy I know. Kind, I can never remember him being anything less than nice to people. Tim was the guy that would pose the hardest questions, or start debates ov er the littlest of issues. This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Tim didn't deserve this. The person who murdered Tim in this hit and run must be caught and brought to justice.

Tim by far had the smartest and most in depth reviews of this blog. By far. He always took the reviews seriously and was honest with what he said. I always looked forward to seeing what he had to say about music. Tim was a great guy and will be missed by his friends, family, and all alike. RIP Tim. I wish I'd gotten to hang out with you, and learn more about you. I wish I'd gotten to read more of your reviews.
I remember the first time I really met Tim was at a coffee shop a few days after a party we were both at. He ended up basically telling me that I didn't know how to party because I refrained from drinking/smoking weed at said party and I wasn't that social either (I wasn't that social that year anyways). But that's where he peak my interest and I became interested in him. He'll be missed, being as smart as he was, I imagine he would've had something great for the world up his sleeve. I was a fan of his blog, unique ideas, and how relatable he was as a person.
You can find Tim's personal blog here. Check it out, he has a lot of great points and views to be heard.
You can find all of Tim's reviews here.