Saturday, April 12, 2014

Feed Into Your Mind by Bad Investments

Feed Into Your Mind by Bad Investments

Swollen Pigments
Feed Into Your Mind
Trophy Wife
Side B

Loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud. This band is loud. Bad Investments is a loud band from Columbia, MO that just got off of tour with Grammer, about a month a go (odd tour combo, but whatever). Feed Into Your Mind starts off violently and distorts the mind as the static and white noise convulse into wicked guitar riffs and shouty-vocals. It actually reminds me a lot of Mr.Bungles "Everybody I Went To Highschool With Is Dead" off of Disco Volante but 5 songs oppose to one.

Bass is very apparent in the mix, which is unusual, but cool. The riff towards the end of "Informalites" reminds me of The Sword, and the drum part towards the end of "Swollen Pigments" sounds like it would be awesome, but the clear-as-mud production of the track makes it where you can only hear the hit-hat, the ride and the snare drum (faintly).  Nothing about this release makes me think of The Chariot (that's a lie, the whole thing makes me think of The Chariot) especially the songwriting.

Fav Track: Side B


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