Sunday, September 14, 2014

Modern Explorations by Modern Explorations

//Modern Explorations||Modern Explorations\\
1. Automata
2. Golf Courses and Jungles
3. Desert Action
4. Gently Rounded, Gently Curved

Corpus Christi, Texas band Modern Explorations plays a progressive/experimental type of rock. Reminds me a lot of Buttons and Mindy, but less mathy and more funky/metal (As far as instrumentation goes). Guitars twinkle around like twinkle guitars are supposed to do, and for once I'll have to say bass is not the most boring instrument to listen to on this release. Bass is really high in the mix, driving the rhythm home throughout the songs. Vocals are high and silky, lyrics are catchy and pop-like. Run times are all around 4 minutes long.
The way these guys play, you'd think they were playing math rock, I really dig the sound of the instrumentation. I've just got to say, Texas has one hell of a music scene. So many amazing bands are from there, hardcore bands and other types alike. I've still yet to hear a bad one out of there. I don't know what's in the water but I want it. The four song release is on Distro from Close Quarters Coalition , so check that label out. Check it out, it's a good release, and I'd like to hear more from them.

Favorite Song: Automata

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