ilill & Letters To Catalonia
1) Letters To Catalonia- how'd u like it if i milked u?
2)Letters To Catalonia- Decay
3) Letters To Catalonia- my lyfe is a pyramid scheme n yr just a (s)quare
4) ilill-intro
5)ilill- hana
6)ilill- nanae
I was at a house show, talking with a friend about how they wanted to start a band in the vein of Funeral Diner, The Saddest Landscape and other big screamo bands when we got on the topic of sweet releases from 2016. Besides the Ostraca release, this was his favorite release. Some words on the topic:
The riffs on the Letters side are so heavy, they smash and destroy and leave you on the ground with nothing but your emotions. While Ilill's side lets you pick yourself back up and return to whatever void of life that you were in before you put this split on.
Favorite track: my lyfe is a pyramid scheme n yr just a (s)quare
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