Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Golden Noose, by Surrender

1.Golden Noose ft. Kyle Roller
2. I'm not sorry
3. Advocate ft. Hal Crossno of Blackhole
4. Watch you decay
5. Bothered
6. Tomb ft. Joe Strong
7. Failure

Golden Noose, by Surrender

Surrender is what seems like a run-of-the-mill hardcore band from Springfield Missouri. This band is heavy on the feedback and deep dark, 100% mosh-able guitar parts. Christian's vocals are really dirty and high pitched, but seem to compliment the band perfectly. It's a short LP, clocking in around 16 minutes, but it's the kind of hardcore that I can put on repeat and not get tired of.
My favorite track on Golden Noose would have to be Advocate. It's the longest track, and has a nicely played deep setting guitar part throughout. However, Hal's verse at the end of the song wraps up the entire track perfectly.
It's a great one, and one that I recommend to all my friends. The only downsides of it would be the amount of feedback used throughout the LP. Like, it's a lot.