Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Flawless--Something I'll Never Miss

Flawless- Something I'll Never Miss

1) Leap Year
2) Model Home
3) 1992
4) Words
5) Free At Last

So Flawless is a Pop-punk/Emo/Alternative/shoegaze band from right here at home in Springfield, MO. These guys are single-handily the best band in Springfield. This is their first release--all the way back from 2011--which is a perfect ending-of-summer EP and really just gets you prepared for the winter. 

Henceforth, the first song on this EP starts off like a punch to the face and the energy doesn't end until the last song fades out. I can't many albums that really pull that off very well, while keeping the overall vibe through out. I mean this being one of, like, 5 bands Alex Harris is in, the beats are crazy, driving, and awesome. The lyrics are mostly about how they're trying to figure out who they are; or why you don't accept them the way they want you to; or how you twist their words to make problems for other people. My only complaint (if you call it that) is that the guitar does the same pattern whenever the d-beats start rolling out, but that's just me. I don't really thing else to say about the instrumentation, it's just...Flawless ;)

The song-writing on this EP is wonderfully done, I haven't got bored of it yet, and it's basically been on repeat for me since February. I would suggest you get this and their other EP NOW.

Favorite Track: 1992, Free At Last


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